Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Accept and Lead- Thats what life is all about :-)

It feels so amazing to think back on all those things which we tend to ignore most of the time. We crib and feel bad when something goes wrong in our life and get so excited if something good happens. We fail to understand that whatever happen has to happen and there is a reason behind this. The sooner we accept this the more happier we can be.

I have started accepting optimistically everything that comes my way these days. I don't waste my time thinking about the consequence that may or may not happen later. I am in love with my life. I don't wait for big things to happen but grab every small things that is on my way.

People take ages to change their perspective, some change and some find it really hard. I was the one who always loved to explore and understand myself and do anything that leads to my better future. But at the same time in some corner of my heart I was always trapped in doubt, confusion, I was the one who could never make any decisions. But today I can say all this has changed, my soul is so light and relaxed. This could have never been possible had I not changed my outlook and my perspective about my life but yes at the same time had I not allowed those things to happen which was written in my destiny. I accepted good and bad things that came my way as I said earlier I had no control over those but I definitely have control over my life......



  1. Well... one thing everyone of us have to learn is to let go.... Sometimes we get so obsessed with the things we want that we forget the reason for wanting it in the first place... Happiness is one such illusion, we get so obsessed with achieving it that, we leave it behind us while still craving for it... I m sure u have realised this now, n I hope we all accept it more after realising it, coz sometimes realising is not enough, accepting it as a part of life is the difficult part!

  2. Thanks Anant for spending time reading and commenting in my blog...


  3. wow !

    (means i dint understand anything)

    ha ha ha

  4. Hi Intruder,

    Thanks for commenting on my blog.
    I thought you did understand what I wrote, let me know if you are still confused I can help you in explaining :-)

