Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Closer to Nature

I never got so much of time to understand and feel what exactly I wanted from my life untill I got closer to nature. Time has really changed and from where I stand today I have seen myself gone through all the emotions.

The best way to live is by having no regrets for anything becasue whatever happens its always for the best. Every phase was a part of life ,a new chapter which will definitely be closer to heart. But with every chapter closing there was always a new beginning.

I may have dreamt of this life few years ago and I am living this right now, I am dreaming of something for my tomorrow and there will be time when I will go through that phase. The joy of being happy is being yourself, doing things what makes you feel worth.
Its been so many years I dint notice how the autumn looks like when all the leaves fall from their trees and prepare themselves for the winter. It's just another season which has passed by but today I am closer to nature, I can once again feel every second, the feeling is beautiful. Most of the time we have been running around to find happiness but we forget the little joys of life. I never felt so happy when i see today how beautiful it looks when the leaves turns golden... its worth then anything around.

With the change from autumn to winter there is also a realization that today is not going to be back again, there will be another autumn next year but not the same one. Life is such we forget to value what we have today and keep on waiting for the better tomorrow. The fact is today is perfect, it can never be better then this.


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