Friday, April 26, 2013

Simpler Things in Life !!

Life is changing and things are getting complicated with time. I can recall my days when we never had mobile phones yet we managed to meet friends exactly on the time we promised. But things seem different we all have so many options in life that we have stopped using our brains. We want to follow the crowd and this becomes trend for the generation.

Weekends, festivals, get together etc have taken a form of virtual world. We do not have time to actually meet and greet people, but we all have time to waste hours in social networking sites. I am also a victim of this. I really miss those beautiful time of my life and I really wonder what will happen to the next generation to come. We can compare as we have seen both the world and we know what we are missing but I guess in near future children will not even understand what we are talking about.

Everyone wants to live their life but in the internet world, everyone needs time to sit hours browsing. Everyone says they do not have time because they have devoted their time in this fake world.
The whole concept of conversation has changed, mostly what I notice is people will talk but are not sure what they mean if you ask them to repeat again because they will be busy in their mobile world and want to balance two things together.

There is no such thing called time for each other, not because we are very busy or the world has changed so much that we struggle to breathe, but only because we are slowly failing to understand the real meaning of life. We do not have time for each other, we are not communicating well in actual.

Is it so difficult to live in a real world? Why few years ago simple things used to give us so much happiness but today we do not have time for anything, literally anything.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Closer to Nature

I never got so much of time to understand and feel what exactly I wanted from my life untill I got closer to nature. Time has really changed and from where I stand today I have seen myself gone through all the emotions.

The best way to live is by having no regrets for anything becasue whatever happens its always for the best. Every phase was a part of life ,a new chapter which will definitely be closer to heart. But with every chapter closing there was always a new beginning.

I may have dreamt of this life few years ago and I am living this right now, I am dreaming of something for my tomorrow and there will be time when I will go through that phase. The joy of being happy is being yourself, doing things what makes you feel worth.
Its been so many years I dint notice how the autumn looks like when all the leaves fall from their trees and prepare themselves for the winter. It's just another season which has passed by but today I am closer to nature, I can once again feel every second, the feeling is beautiful. Most of the time we have been running around to find happiness but we forget the little joys of life. I never felt so happy when i see today how beautiful it looks when the leaves turns golden... its worth then anything around.

With the change from autumn to winter there is also a realization that today is not going to be back again, there will be another autumn next year but not the same one. Life is such we forget to value what we have today and keep on waiting for the better tomorrow. The fact is today is perfect, it can never be better then this.


Monday, January 18, 2010

2 moments of my life in a Day!!!

Busy day as usual speeding up for work nothing new, bright sunny morning with cool breeze. Took an auto and started with the music... Same road nothing new except it was another day in the calendar. I was little frustrated thinking why I have to get up so early and go for work, was missing my home but realized time moves on. Some how console my heart although I knew have to go through this again next morning.

Dint knew this short journey of half an hour would be so exciting. I was looking closely at everything, when I caught upon one couple who was riding a cycle, both of them looked so happy together, nothing bothered them. Every time they stopped in the signal he was making sure she was comfortable and was holding her hand to let her know she is important in his life, it really made my day and I was smiling.

Further ahead I saw a school boy with his father nothing special; as usual he might have come to drop him off to school. The boy got down from the bike and his father kissed him on his forehead and in return the boy kissed his father on his hand and they hugged, I felt the time have stopped. I realized it’s so important to let the other person know how much we love them in every way possible. We may not have tomorrow and will regret lifetime for not saying or doing things for the one we love. It takes nothing to let someone know they are special to you.

Whatever I saw may not be new, but what was different was my perspective towards this entire situation.. Life is beautiful and we never know when we face the last second of our lifetime, until then make everyone around you feel they are wanted in everyway. All of them do make difference in someway.


Everything that keep us together be it a relationship, our dreams, things we want to achieve and Love is possible because we have hope in it. Its nothing for me but just that inner voice which tells us we can do it, things will be fine…

As a child I remember like any one of us I had loads of dreams and I was optimistic for sometime that I will fulfill them but today when I look back some of those just have gone astray with the time and the dilemma was I had dreams but no hope.

But things have changed the moment I realized there is something called Hope in this universe to keep us moving for something extra beyond dreams. And what’s life without a reason to go on.

I really loved the lines from Paulo Coelho book “The Alchemist “where he relentlessly keeps saying “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” It’s true you just have to trust yourself and believe in what you doing and whatever you see after this is amazing.

Hope makes us do things that we would not have done ever.

Signs of our Destiny

Have you ever at any point of life felt that someone is trying to tell you something which we are not able to see our self or understand? Some sign of nature, some unspoken words, some strange feelings at the deepest core of our heart, some unknown person telling you few words.

I never believed in this until I faced it. I did the same, there were so many things that happened to me and there were so many signs telling me why and what was happening. I ignored this completely. But the day I realized this it was a real funny feeling, I know it’s really hard to believe but we all know there is some kind of power that makes things happen.

In many books that I have gone through it states “Think all good things and it will happen to you”. My first impression was “how stupid “I laughed at this and wondered how illogical things can me, it made no sense to me at all.

I moved on and there was a point where I started believing in “magic of this world” called LIFE.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Accept and Lead- Thats what life is all about :-)

It feels so amazing to think back on all those things which we tend to ignore most of the time. We crib and feel bad when something goes wrong in our life and get so excited if something good happens. We fail to understand that whatever happen has to happen and there is a reason behind this. The sooner we accept this the more happier we can be.

I have started accepting optimistically everything that comes my way these days. I don't waste my time thinking about the consequence that may or may not happen later. I am in love with my life. I don't wait for big things to happen but grab every small things that is on my way.

People take ages to change their perspective, some change and some find it really hard. I was the one who always loved to explore and understand myself and do anything that leads to my better future. But at the same time in some corner of my heart I was always trapped in doubt, confusion, I was the one who could never make any decisions. But today I can say all this has changed, my soul is so light and relaxed. This could have never been possible had I not changed my outlook and my perspective about my life but yes at the same time had I not allowed those things to happen which was written in my destiny. I accepted good and bad things that came my way as I said earlier I had no control over those but I definitely have control over my life......


Sunday, August 9, 2009

For better.....

Lost in my own world I think of no one, I am so busy yet so free to act upon………..
I look around and this silence is killing me, how can people act? Don’t they get tired…? I can see they want something else… they too want to fly and get released but they can’t do it in reality.
They have to pretend if they need to live.

We live and work for what? For the joy or for nothing…. Such confusion yes I have in my mind.. Still I go on and on… I feel bad for some things in my life that I know I miss but which may be or may not be in my hands.

I think and re-think and then for a second I find an answer but then again nothing comes to my hand.. Its pain its funny such a mixed emotion.

I laugh when I think how I reacted a day back and how I am today. Every moment is a learning experience.
I know things will change and it is changing every second, it will no longer be the same, I will see new things in life, I will face pain and trouble and I will meet different people but down the memory lane I will have all the treasure of this world in my heart and mind.

I will feel pain when I will think about it when I will go back but there will be no option left, I can only rejoice the time I had spend as it was a part of me, my life within me. I try to pretend but then I fail I feel a pain when I know I am not made for this, I have something for myself for my own.
I am what I am but between this two I am someone who loves to smile a lot, run and touch the sky, make people happy, catch butterflies, smell the flowers, sing songs, dance in the rain….. So much to explore and live that child within me but with time I have to leave all this with me inside me… I will not be able to express my things my feelings with myself I have to be quiet…. I have to see and smile but it will be hard to unexplore all those moments that will make me what I am rather then what I am forced to do.

Is it really so difficult to do things of your choice? Is it too much that I have asked for…. I really don’t know. May be I am thinking too much, may be all the people in this world don’t think the way I do…. I may have to change or to live my dream there is no third option...

There is so much to know and all say we have time for all but do we really have time?? Can anyone predict, NO?
How do I know all this, the answer to the questions of those things which I am not clear about?
Everything and everyone changes for good and better, it’s the fact of life which we cannot challenge and it has to happen today or tomorrow. I talk with people know about their feelings some told some hidden and realize all go through the same but some concentrate on the things that will not lead them anywhere, but I know I can do nothing about it.

I am so happy for a time and so sad the very moment for no reason.. Can I capture those moments and play it back when I have tears in my eyes, Is this possible? Life is so complicated and so is we human beings. I want to express my feelings most of the time and on the other hand I tend to suppress everything. I know I will be happy if I let my feelings grow. Then why do I think about people who may or may not be with me when I need them the most, I tend to waste my time thinking about this?

Can I change for better for me and myself? Yes I can do and I have to do